Acupuncture for Stretch Marks (striae)

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Stretch marks happen when the skin is pulled by rapid growth or stretching. Although the skin is usually fairly elastic, when it’s overstretched, the normal production of collagen (the major protein that makes up the connective tissue in your skin) is disrupted. As a result, scars called stretch marks may form.

If you’re noticing stretch marks on your body, you’re not alone. Most Girls and women have them, usually on their breasts, thighs, hips,and butt. Many women get them during pregnancy. Stretch marks are more common in girls, but guys can get them, too.

People who are obese often have stretch marks. Bodybuilders are prone to getting stretch marks because of the rapid body changes that can go with bodybuilding. People who use steroid-containing skin creams or ointments (such as hydrocortisone) for more than a few weeks may also get stretch marks. So might people who have to take high doses of oral corticosteroids for months or longer.

At first, stretch marks may show up as reddish or purplish lines that can look indented and have a different texture from the skin around them. Stretch marks often turn lighter and almost disappear overtime.

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See our Prices!

At Beauty & Laser Clinic, Our experienced qualified therapists will advise you based on your skin type, Condition and the nature of the treatments that you are receiving to assure your needs and budget by providing an honest and realistic outcome in the consultation.